Woohoo! I finally got around to putting some pictures on our web site! Digital cameras are da bomb! We can take all the snapshots we want, and not have to worry about dropping a sawbuck on processing just to get the 2 or 3 that look vaguely familiar. Now the problem is picking and choosing from thousands of photos to find some that others will hopefully enjoy. Here's a small sampling of the photos we took on our "Trip of a Lifetime". A 26 day, 7000 mile excursion across the U.S., which included, amongst many interesting sites, 10 National Parks. When you select one of the virtual scrapbooks below you'll get a brief description of the slide show and see a big black box. No, that's not us wearing scuba gear in a coal mine, I just haven't figured out how to put a picture there without the whole page messing up. Hopefully you'll see some control buttons below it. Now be patient, especially you AOL types. These are large media files that can take a few seconds to load (ok, minutes if your still chiseling wheels out of stone and using a dial-up connection). Wait for the 'Play' button to go black, and then click on it when you're ready to start the slide show. If the slide show doesn't start, or you're just fussy about your media player, try playing it with your default player. One last caveat. If you use Mozilla as your browser, the slide shows either start playing by themselves, or don't play at all. It all depends on the version you have and what plug-ins you've installed. Conform, you rebels - get Internet Explorer!
The Nickel Tour Churchill Downs Santa Fe Cody Wyoming
Copyright 2012, The Northrops - Duh. | This site was last updated 02/26/07 |